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Top 10 Things to Know Before Studying in Australia


The minute this thought flashes your mind, you are faced with hundreds of countries you can explore and thousands of programs and universities you can be a part of. But, how do you find the best fit for you?

If you want to explore a multicultural society, discover yourself in a welcoming country, spend your days living in a state of sunshine, visit the most beautiful beaches, then you should probably consider studying in Australia!

Australia is a country, unlike any other. It has beautiful oceans, striking mountains, distinctive wildlife, vibrant cities, and world-class universities! The country has got the kind of charm that every student would love!

That is why we made the ultimate list of reasons for you! Scroll through to know the top 10 things that you should know before studying in Australia.

Surf the Waves

Study in australia
Oh yes! Surfing on the beaches is one of the most exciting things to do in Australia.

Many of the renowned surfing spots are within reach of Australia's top universities. Hence it would be easier to grab the surfboards right after your college and to get some surfing practice.

Make sure to set aside some time for sand and surf. Australian shores are known worldwide for its incredible beauty. 

Explore the Outback

The sprawling and the wide remote areas of land is known as the Australian Outback. These Australian vast outbacks can become your weekend getaways.

It offers an unparalleled opportunity for nature lovers to experience the great outdoors. With the exotic flora and fauna, there is perhaps no other country on earth that can be compared with what Australia offers to naturalists.

The SPORTive Country 

studying in the australia
All the sports lovers who wish to study in Australia, know the prowess of Australia's sports teams. Whether it's swimming, rugby union, rugby league, cricket, hockey, athletics, or the unique 'Aussie Rules' (AFL),  all of them are world-renowned sports offered by the nation's top universities.

Sports are a great way to keep you fit physically and emotionally, and also to make friends. With many university sports teams putting on social events and outings, you will never be short of friends or finding your sports interest when studying in Australia.

Easygoing University life

study abroad in australia
Universities in Australia are structured very differently. The flexibility around module choices and retaking exams makes the University life much more comfortable. Because of the retaking exams option, you don't have to leave the exams to the end of the year.

Choose to study in Australia, and you can have a perfect balance between work and play.

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But, where in Australia?

Do you prefer cities or rural? Do you want to spend your free time at the beach or prefer getting out into the woods and forests? Whatever the choices are, there are lots of places for you to choose from.

If you're a marine biology major, then somewhere further north near the Great Barrier Reef might be better. If you're inclined towards a business major, then Sydney might be a better fit. Melbourne is your fit if you're into practicing a soul-soothing music scene.

Regardless of whatever city you choose, be sure to do enough research about the staying options.


study in australia
Australia is a land of diverse ethnicities. This cultural diversity benefits you with the delicious food options that range from Kiwi coolers to peanut butter pies. Not just delicacies but you also get a bunch of friends from across the world who will unite together in the land of Australia to engage in several multi-cultural activities.

Learn about the different traditions, religions, political views, and lifestyles of your fellow mates, and neighbors. Studying in Australia will expand your view of the word for sure!

Know what to pack

study in australia
Australia is unique in everything, including its seasons. It experiences winters during June, July, and August, while the climate stays warm during the period from December to February, as the seasons flip.

It is always better to pack up warm clothing stuff like sweaters and jackets. Additionally, students must ensure that they carry all the relevant documents and visas and enough medicines for their length of stay.

Your Economy Matters

Know about the currency exchange rates and transaction charges in Australia. Always remember to carry a sufficient amount of money when you step outside. Open an account at the local bank as soon as you reach the Aussieland.

It is always easier to pay the bills and keep your money safe with a local bank account. Keep track of your expenses and learn to manage your finances economically.

New grading system

Most Australian institutes use a grading system to assess a student's academic merit, such as HD; where H stands for High Distinction, D stands for Distinction, and more. When you speak to our counselors, don't forget to ask about the grading system in Australian higher education.

Health check

Students need to ensure that they have subscribed to a proper health package when studying abroad. Overseas Student Health Cover (OSHC) is a distinctive health check benefit provided for international students studying in Australia.

Also, it is always for the best to know about all the health packages provided for international students and choose the right one. When you select your accommodation, find out about nearby health centers and hospitals for emergency health assistance.

Studying in Australia is a beautiful experience.

Wake up to the sound of the rainbow lorikeets, attend informative lectures, have lunch on campus with your friends, find a good library cornet and read your material, enjoy the golden hours at the beach and discover a whole new you!

Begin your study abroad journey in this gorgeous country. After all, there's truly nothing like Australia!

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