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Top 7 Tips For Managing Your Time Studying Overseas


Studying Overseas is a key to the door that allows you to gain valuable international experience. You will have the chance to bring out your own identity, offering you an entirely new experience.

It plays a vital role in providing an all-rounded education. Studying overseas will provide you with a blend of valuable and holistic international experience, a different perspective towards life, and a new culture. Giving you a way to enhance your career prospects surely suits the best of your needs.

But being in a different country, with a slightly different method of how things are done while studying, you may tend to overlook the importance of effectively managing your time. Time management, wherever you are, is one of the most important ethics to keep up with. Here are the top 10 tips for managing your time while studying overseas:

Make a plan to work on your study abroad plans.

Planning is always a good attribute to possess. So, it's never too early to start thinking about how you'll do all the work in each of your five classes. The first day of your class is the right time to start planning your schedules.

Whether it’s a pin-board planner, a timetable, or a calendar on your phone, it's always fun to use an organizing tool that works well for you and add your list of priorities to that planner.

Try to jot down all the assignments—including weekly assignments, quizzes, or short papers—in your mobile or print calendar. 

Then develop a proper plan for both your run-of-the-mill weekly studying and for the research paper. There is also a range of time management apps to help you through this process. Doing this can also help you plan the time frame for future course assignments.


Adjust your study plan dynamically as the semester proceeds. Initially, you'll find that some courses get harder as they go, as some projects take longer than you planned. The more flexible and open-minded you are about time management, the more successful you will do it.

Prepared and Prioritized

It can be easy to blow your budget early on in your study overseas journey. Eating out, taxi rides, and other incidentals certainly add to your overall cost. Hence, it is essential to plan and prepare your expenditure.

First off, figure out the cost of the things you wanted to buy, how much cash you have, and spend your financial resources wisely.

Use instruments or applications that help you keep track of your spendings; Education abroad may be expensive, but as long as you have prepared, you are set. Just remember to try to avoid unnecessary expenditure. Take the time to draw up a budget.

Knowledge for assignments is at the library!

With the resources you own, it’ll be great to make the best use of them, right? One of the resources at your disposal is the library. It’s the best place to go to learn more and be on your toes. Any information, anything you want to learn or explore, the library has it all. You can complete your assignments, work on projects, and basically, get your work done efficiently.

For instance, If you're rushing to meet a deadline, the last thing you want is to find out that your library card doesn't work or that you don't know how to find the books or resources that you need—plan to avoid such occurrences.

Take some time before you are given assignments and make it a habit to use the library and IT systems at your college. It won't take long, and you'll be glad you did it when it comes to crunch time.

Especially, If you need help with your assignments or studies, you can drop in completely online to get expert advice from a learning skills instructor or librarian.

Save the easiest task for the end!

When you have many tasks to complete, you will urge to do the small tasks before larger ones.

But most of the time, it is better to work oppositely. Like, starting with the hardest assignment and then completing the smaller and easier ones afterward, when you find yourself time to ease down with a sense of satisfaction. Try this way once, and you will surely feel the difference.

Initially, your university professors will probably give you a full week to settle in and get used to the workflow. Use this time efficiently to study, write, and get ahead early in the semester and make a good initial impression, which will save you from worrying about these things later.

Plus, use the time you have presented to get your work done instead of dedicating full weekends to studying and catch up later.

Don’t stress out

Want a stress free study abroad journey? That is the result of working ahead, staying organized. Moreover, do not hesitate to ask for help, not overwhelm yourself with all the work of a new semester, at a new university, in a country you don’t understand yet.

Remember, this is a journey you have to take step by step. I know you are at your university first to learn and then have fun, but those two things don’t have to be exclusive.

So, prepare yourself for some hard work, but don’t worry about getting through with it. Be spontaneous, adapt, and take things as they come. You’ll find yourself fitting right in, just fine.

Hit the refresh button from time to time

You must have heard this before- all work and no play will definitely make you dull.

Plan for short breaks throughout the week, and take some major time off during the weekends.

When the holidays are nearing,  you can look forward to relaxing for a longer time. You can probably even hang out in the city, travel, and experience the country's culture. Save time for your friends, family, and hobbies to function smoothly and maintain a balance.

It will sometimes be hard to connect with people at home the way you used to, so make sure to regularly find some time and dedicate it to the important people. 

Review, Reassess and Reiterate

As a part of progressing in your career, you need to make sure that you are up to date on what's happening. This calls for a review, reassessment, and a reiteration of your schedule.

This way,  you will be able to recognize any gaps in your plans and even find out what’s working. You will also be aware of your priorities if you need to change them. This can also remind you of your short-term goals, such as reviewing lectures and studying for upcoming exams.

But it's not just academics; this review will help you even with the non-academic tasks you need to accomplish. Over a week, you can obtain a clear picture of what it’s going to be like and balance your work and ‘fun-time.’ Over a semester, it prepares you months ahead for important deadlines and upcoming events.

Now that you have the key points to manage our time. It doesn’t seem so hard. So, plan out a schedule that will make you feel comfortable, and more importantly, take a deep breath and relax. You got this!

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